mandag 17. desember 2018

I.... Don't actually know what to say abot this. Will playing it louderhelp?

I.... Don't actually know what to say abot this. Will playing it louder help?

Originally shared by Steven Vaughan-Nichols

With apologies to Heart.

tirsdag 27. november 2018

Good graphic representation of something we must never forget

Good graphic representation of something we must never forget

Originally shared by Ole Olson

The Fallen of World War II. Some solid data presentation in this video, and a reminder of the terrible costs of war

mandag 26. november 2018

A very interesting introduction to "legal by design" concepts and reasonings.

A very interesting introduction to "legal by design" concepts and reasonings.

Also it seems like the references would be interesting reading.

Originally shared by John Verdon

This discussion note does three things: (1) it explains the notion of ‘legal protection by design’ in relation to data-driven infrastructures that form the backbone of our new ‘onlife world’, (2) it explains how the notion of ‘by design’ relates to the relational nature of what an environment affords its inhabitants, referring to the work of James Gibson, and (3) it explains how this affects our understanding of human capabilities in relation to the affordances of changing environments. Finally, this brief note argues that ‘safer by design’ in the case of nanotechnology will require legal protection by design to make sure that human capabilities are reinvented and sustained in nano-technical environments.

søndag 18. november 2018

Here we have people promoting censorship of all classical authors for bigotry and sexism while we continue...

Here we have people promoting censorship of all classical authors for bigotry and sexism while we continue stereotyping societies in contemporary arts...

Take a good look in the mirror before accusing the past.

Originally shared by ****

Good point.

fredag 28. september 2018

Hello, Space!

Hello, Space!

Norway may not be quite ready for Mars yet. But it's a first step.

Originally shared by European Space Agency, ESA

Yesterday, Norway’s first hybrid rocket to reach space demonstrated new hybrid propulsion technology for a cleaner, safer, more flexible method of powering small launch vehicles.